
We Got Along Just Fine

11 eskimo kisses:

Leah P. said...

oo-la-la, I like ur new title-thingy-magiger very much so! Me gusta tu gorra tambien!

nv said...

i love that chiffon, flowy blouse!

Anonymous said...

yea i like your blouse- and i've also been flirting with the idea of wearing red lipstick! :)

Kylie said...

Ahh, I've been to your blog before but I didn't know you came back! You dissapeared so you kinda slipped my mind for a minute... whatevs!
Glad yourback, love your blog ;D

Anonymous said...

great pic, U have some crazy pics in Ur blog :'''> <3

Anonymous said...

you always have the best pictures!

kelsea said...

you made my morning

Ashleigh said...

haha too funny ...love the shot

Hannah Bee said...

Lovely outfit! The hat is hilarious.
I've given your blog an award!

Hazel said...

some christmas songs i like:

carol of the bells - the bird and the bee

oh! what a christmas - el perro del mar (if you like lykke li, you'll like this one)

the holidays behind us - figurine

welcome christmas - the clumsy lovers (you should squaredance HAHA!)

other than that i don't know many dance-able christmas songs :)

net said...

i love both your outfits! you must of had tons of fun.