
Hello All,

My Friend Zsela and I are starting our own fashion magazine called Damsel. We havent quite gotten everything together and figured out yet. But we are working hard to get it all started. We just wanted to reach out to any folks in the Los Angeles area between the ages 14-18 who would like to model or contribute in any way! We would love to get together with anyone who is willing to contribute their creative juices. If you are interested please email me (Shade) at babyshade94@yahoo.com and if you would like to model send a picture as well!
Hope you guys are interested!

Shade and Zsela >

*** Hahahah edit: we have decided not to put an age limit, anyone can help if they would like. MEOW


please please please gimme gimme!


Im really into Nina Hagen and Altered Images right now. Check them out


Its strange to be 16 because i still feel really young and when i meet other 16 year olds they seem much much older yet I'm the same age as them.


I wish it was summa on the beach and no school yaaa man.